• Below you will find our archived newsletters. The links below cover the period from April 2009 to April 2012. Just click on a link to open the Newsletter. The files are in pdf format so your computer will need to have Adobe reader installed.The videos may need flash player installed.



Last Newsletter: Newsletter 15

Past Issues: Newsletter 14  Newsletter 13 Newsletter 12  Newsletter 11 Newsletter 10  Newsletter 9 Newsletter 8



Video 1: Anita Jackson at the SNA Group Conference.

Nita is a young woman with Asperger’s Syndrome, and she spoke most eloquently about growing up with Asperger’s Syndrome.

Video 2: Carolann Jackson (Anita's mother) 

Carolann spoke about her work as chairperson of the charity SAFE (Supporting Asperger Families in Essex), and her day job as a teacher of teens with Asperger’s Syndrome and young people with moderate learning disabilities.